Alain Resnais, Tout la memoire du monde, 1956.
Call Waiting, B-Side Radio, Blindside, Melbourne.
Readers: Martina Copley, Tara Denny, Lou Hubbard, Gabriella Imrichova, Ming Liew, Nancy Mauro-Flude, Josephine Mead, Sanja Pahoki, Chunxiao Qu, Amaara Raheem, YongPing Ren, Fiona Shewan & Alexandra Gowling, Joel Stern, Benjamin Woods, Bixiao Zhang.
Presenter: Martina Copley.
Drawing from poet John Giorno's Dial-a-Poem New York, 1968, in which Giorno set up a toll-free telephone number that a person could call to hear recordings of artists, poets, musicians and activists of his era, Call Waiting is a stuttering make-shift live broadcast dealing with reading aloud and writing in contemporary art practices.
Listen back to Call Waiting,
Call Waiting program notes
Reader: Martina Copley
Martina Copley, Easy pickings (for lightning), 2005-2024.
Co-compositional score from collated text excerpts.
576 of 11572 words.
Martina Copley is a curator, teacher and writer and artist. An apprehension of contingent orders, the work doesn’t have a set form.
Reader: Tara Denny
Tara Denny, permanent marker.
I - I - I am Tara Denny and I was given some things to continue and I exist as an artist.
@ t_a_r_a_d_e_n_n_y
Reader: Lou Hubbard
Lou Hubbard, It Looks Like It Will Rain, Act 3 from the performance LIKELY, on the occasion of Bus Projects’ Departed Act, ACCA 2018.
Lou Hubbard is an artist, teacher and writer based in Naarm.
Represented by Sarah Scout Presents, Melbourne.
Reader: Gabriella Imrichova
Gabriella Imrichova, Untitled Note. Notes app, 2021.
Gabriella Imrichova is a live performance maker and choreographer working across theatre, dance, and the visual arts.
Reader: Ming Liew
Ming Liew, The strip of conformity.
Ming Liew is a lens-based artist who likes autoethnography.
Reader: Nancy Mauro-Flude
Lisa Carver, Why I Want to Rape Olivia Newton-John (Because I'm a Troubled Young Lady)
Retrieved from the tomb, “Rock She Wrote: Women Write About Rock, Pop and Rap” Edited by Ann Powers and Evelyn McDonnell (New York:Delta:1995):340-343. Initially published in Rollerderby zine 1993 issue 13.
Nancy Mauro-Flude is an artist who enjoys sharing within the reams of computational poetics and permacomputing. She is often found where the saltwater meets the freshwater, or in the kitchen at parties.
sister0.org | autoluminescence.institute | autolumin.net
Reader: Josephine Mead
Josephine Mead, (M)Other is an Opera!, 2024-, novel in progress.
Josephine Mead is a settler visual-artist/writer/curator working in Wurundjeri Country. She is interested in personal notions of support.
Reader: Sanja Pahoki
Sanja Pahoki, Rene Ricard 1979-1980 Three Poems.
Sanja Pahoki is a visual artist and lecturer working in Melbourne.
Reader: Chunxiao Qu
Chunxiao Qu, no title (I will read two short poems).
Chunxiao Qu is an artist and published poet whose work folds pointed humour into conceptual making with irreverence and serious intent.
Reader: Amaara Raheem
Amaara Raheem, On Death.
Amaara Raheem is a dance artist whose life and practice crosses many borders.
Open Space SFMOMA.
Reader: Yongping Ren
Yongping Ren, Untitled gay reinterpretation of Daodejing, Chapter One in Laozi, Dao de Jing, 500 BCE. English translation by Stephen Mitchell (1988).
The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.The name that can be named is not the eternal Name. The unnamable is the eternally real. Naming is the origin of all particular things. Free from desire, you realize the mystery. Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations. Yet mystery and manifestations arise from the same source. This source is called darkness. Darkness within darkness. The gateway to all understanding.
Yongping is currently studying MFA at RMIT and co-directing Run Artist Run in Docklands, Melbourne.
Reader: Fiona Shewan & Alexandra Gowling
Fiona Shewan words & voice, Alexandra Gowing playing the theremin, untitled.
Fiona Shewan is a Naarm based emerging artist who explores phenomenological themes through writing, film, glass, metals, video and sound.
@ t_r_a_c_k_s
Alexandra Gowing is a Naarm based emerging artist working with mediums of photography, video and sound.
Reader: Joel Stern
Joel Stern clone / Charles Bernstein
Charles Bernstein, 1-100 (1969).
Joel Stern is an artist, curator and researcher interested in the politics, aesthetics and technics of sound and listening.
Reader: Benjamin Woods
On Kawara, Unauthorised excerpt from One Million Years (Future). In On Kawara, One Million Years, artist's book, two volumes, each: 15.1 x 10.9 x 4.4 cm, edition of 570 (Editions Micheline Szwajcer and Michèle Didier, Brussels, 1999).
Benjamin Woods is an artist and writer who has been making process-based spatial and sonic artworks for the last 15 years.
Reader: Bixiao Zhang
Kazumi Yasui and Kazuhiko Katō, Do You Remember Love? Singer Mari Iijima.
Bixiao Zhang is an artist-researcher dwelling in the swamp.
Thank you readers, MC.
Call Waiting, program notes
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