Martina Copley, I’m nearly there and then I’ll stop., 2022. Live concurrent, choral reading of worded score (rant) for five voices, 2022. Readers: Martina Copley, Deanne Butterworth, Merinda Dias, Dawn Kanost, Benjamin Woods. Performance documentation Charlie Sofo.
Liquid Architecture Mono-Poly-Feb, Index: A Fragmentary Offering Thursday 3 February 2022, 7-9pm.
Martina Copley, I’m nearly there and then I’ll stop., 2022. Live concurrent, choral reading of worded score for five voices, 2022. Readers: Martina Copley, Deanne Butterworth, Merinda Dias, Dawn Kanost, Benjamin Woods.
Index: A Fragmentary Offering. Presented by Liquid Architecture.
Audio, performance, movement and spoken word works by Martina Copley, Merinda Dias-Jayasinha, Lisa Lerkenfeldt, Justin Malvaso, Harrison Jones-Ritchie and Deanne Butterworth in the outdoor amphitheater of Collingwood Yards guest-curated by Josephine Mead.
Josephine has supplied the artists with prompts, and in response, each artist presents an ‘offering’, constituting a fragment within an indexical system formed through making and exchange.

Martina Copley, all the h’s and other rhythms, 2021. Digital image, 29.7 x 21cm. Susan Howe, Concordance, New York: New Directions, 2019, 26-27.

Liquid Architecture Mono-Poly-Feb, Index: A Fragmentary Offering, 2022. Photograph Clare Steele.

Martina Copley, I’m nearly there and then I’ll stop., 2022. Score mapping. Live concurrent, choral reading of worded score for five voices, 2022. Readers: Martina Copley, Deanne Butterworth, Merinda Dias, Dawn Kanost, Benjamin Woods.

Martina Copley, I’m nearly there and then I’ll stop., 2022. Score mapping. Live concurrent, choral reading of worded score for five voices, 2022. Readers: Martina Copley, Deanne Butterworth, Merinda Dias, Dawn Kanost, Benjamin Woods.

Martina Copley, I’m nearly there and then I’ll stop., 2022. Score mapping. Live concurrent, choral reading of worded score for five voices, 2022. Readers: Martina Copley, Deanne Butterworth, Merinda Dias, Dawn Kanost, Benjamin Woods.

Martina Copley I’m nearly there and then I’ll stop., 2022. Score mapping. Live concurrent, choral reading of worded score for five voices, 2022. Readers: Martina Copley, Deanne Butterworth, Merinda Dias, Dawn Kanost, Benjamin Woods.
Readers stand among the crowd of listeners distanced from one another like islands in the courtyard so that everyone will hear something (and nothing) of the work.
The script is colour coded. Please read silently to yourself the text in red. Red is silent. Please only read aloud the text in black. Find your own rhythm. If someone moves towards you feel free to move away, or closer. The parts are song rounds that have been tampered with. Voices punctuate one another and come together in a wayward unison.
The recitation is also a listening.
ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh
, umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm , ahh , umm uh huh
They say uh!. They say mmmmmmmm…
They say uh!. They say mmmmmmmm…
They say uh!. They say mmmmmmmm…
I’m nearly there and then I’ll stop.
uh! , mmm , uh! , mmm
A dot marking a full stop is sentence-terminal.
The most complete stop.
It calls for a longer breath, a pause,
before you begin again.
This is your personal dot •
stop pulsing (1)
stop beating
stop breathing
stop blowing
stop radiating
stop circulating
stop swelling
stop blinking
stop swallowing
stop sweating (10)
stop inhaling
stop nodding
stop scratching
stop salivating
stop gulping
stop sucking
stop spleening
stop garbling
stop stomaching
stop sniffing (20)
stop salivating
stop pumping
stop oozing
stop seeping
stop mouthing
stop eyeing
stop leaning
stop smiling
stop signaling
stop fidgeting (30)
stop hunching
stop shaking
stop hiding
stop slipping
stop falling
stop retching
stop sobbing
stop garbling
stop shouldering
stop licking (40)
stop bending
stop smoothing
stop stretching
stop resting
stop minding
stop pleasing
stop winking
stop hushing
stop muttering
stop loosening (50)
stop staggering
stop worrying
stop circling
stop nothinging
stop nowhereing
stop breaking
stop fading
stop spinning
stop dancing
stop necking (60)
stop gusseting
stop tangling
stop flirting
stop taking forever
stop unbuttoning
stop skirting
stop thirsting
stop wishing
stop gentling
stop grasping (70)
stop panting
stop listing
stop flowering
stop feeling
stop clutching
stop countering
stop smearing
stop liking
stop coming
stop sighing (80)
stop murmuring
stop whispering
stop going on
stop sating
stop sipping
stop coagulating
stop slurping
stop spilling
stop tabling
stop texting (90)
stop spruiking
stop bingeing
stop spooning
stop saucering
stop waiting
stop eavesdropping
stop scanning
stop sideswiping
stop losing track
stop getting with the program (100)
stop listening
stop listening
stop booming
stop complaining
stop crowing
stop bleeting
stop grumbling
stop hissing
stop humming
stop bawling (110)
stop buying underwear for your kids (100)(220)
stop flower-bearing
stop coming through
cooking for yourself
stop wearing plaid
attaching to objects
stop hiding nothing
stop stitching scraps
stop continuing to process
stop mentioning me
stop quoting old text (110)(230)
stop bellowing
stop simpering
stop croaking
stop yowling
stop pecking
stop mothering
stop whooping
stop echoing
stop chiming
stop scripting (120)
stop reciting
stop starring
stop strutting
stop swaying
stop syncopating
stop soloing
stop imitating
stop repeating
stop rehearsing
stop holding that thought (110)(240)
stop ending sentences
stop snapping out of it
stop pulling things close
stop believing stones
stop practising French
stop forming topknots
stop bringing attention
stop writhing professionally
stop taking forever
stop mouthing (130)
stop framing
stop stretching
stop arranging
stop siting
stop crewing
stop imagining
stop projecting
stop lapsing
stop facting
stop togethering (140)
stop delighting
stop distracting
stop distancing
stop divining
stop buying brand-new
stop encoding atoms
stop staying warm
stop genuflecting
stop looking for Lou
stop loosing your line (160)(210)
stop clutching strings
stop swimming clockwise
stop numbering nature
stop looking to be hailed
stop atoning
stop bargaining
stop flattering
stop genuflecting
stop purifying
stop mirroring (150)
stop tinting
stop slathering
stop plucking
stop facing
stop bleaching
stop scrubbing
stop scratching
stop curling
stop cutting
stop foaming (160)
stop styling
stop steaming
stop sudsing
stop spacing
stop inking
stop saying
stop annexing
stop commenting
stop drafting
stop punctuating (170)
stop pausing
stop pronouncing dead
stop slashing
stop recalling
stop placeholding
stop emdashing
stop syntaxing
stop bracketing
stop hyphenating
stop stuttering (180)
stop shining in the water (180)(270)
stop dragging a sneaker
stop moving since birth
stop training thought
stop following ants
stop first timing
stop couch slouching
stop understanding each other
stop turning the corner
stop mourning in costume
stop reading Moyra Davey
stop skittering(190)(280)
stop thumbing
stop leafing
stop ponding
stop weathering
stop ebbing
stop flooding
stop sweltering
stop spreading
stop mossing
stop shading (190)
stop meadowing
stop skimming
stop glimmering
stop netting
stop fluttering
stop rippling
stop treading currents
stop slushing
stop gurgling
stop sapping (200)
stop welling
stop moting
stop swarming
stop hovering
stop floating
stop striping
stop greening
stop glinting
stop seeping
stop furling (210)
stop trembling
stop fruiting
stop withering
stop thickening
stop thudding
stop mattering
stop counting
stop clocking
stop booking
stop rulering (220)
stop forecasting
stop rating
stop shelving
stop pacing
stop whiling
stop inching
stop idling
stop loitering
stop stilling
stop furling (230)
stop trembling
stop fruiting
stop withering
stop thickening
stop thudding
stop mattering
stop counting
stop clocking
stop booking
stop forecasting
stop rating
stop shelving
stop pacing
stop whiling
stop inching
stop idling
stop loitering
stop stilling
stop straggling (260)
stop skittering
stop phasing
stop slouching
stop shooting
stop slandering
stop squandering
stop stalling
stop squashing
stop sentencing
stop saying the same thing (270)
stop saying the same thing
stop thirty-five dogs
stop crowding that jetty
stop cooling my mind
stop racing under skin
stop earning keep
stop seeding parsley
stop wasting wildflowers
stop clicking rosaries
stop flying low
stop flying low (280)
stop smothering
stop sexing
stop smirking
stop slandering
stop splurging
stop sensationalizing
stop spiritualizing
stop straightening
stop sabotaging
stop stoning (290)
stop sneering
stop slogging
stop shortcutting
stop skirmishing
stop spluttering
stop soothsaying
stop stipulating
stop stultifying
stop stimying
stop seizing (300)
stop spiting
stop sating
stop slinging
stop soloing
stop sibilating
stop sibilating
stop sibilating
stop sibilating
stop sibilating
stop singing together (310)
stop singing together
stop sibilating
stop sibilating
stop sibilating
stop sibilating
stop sibilating
stop sibilating
stop sibilating
sing (318)

Josephine Mead, Index: A Fragmentary Offering, text and poster design.
Download PDF (2.81 MB)
Martina Copley, I’m nearly there and then I’ll stop., 2022. Live concurrent, choral reading of worded score for five voices, 2022. Readers: Martina Copley, Deanne Butterworth, Merinda Dias, Dawn Kanost, Benjamin Woods. Documentation Charlie Sofo.