15 and 16, 2023. Annotated pages from Ania Walwicz's Boat (1989) with text by Gertrude Stein.
We are making a boat, love: 30 years of experimental feminist writing in Australia. ‘Creativecritical’, Special Issue of TEXT Journal.
This is a polyvocal queer essay that works with/into/because Ania Walwicz's Boat (1989) to build a corpus of experimental reflective and material writing that makes visible an extended and always present but often forgotten archive of creativecritical writing in this country. Following on from methods developed during their longitudinal blackout poetry project Sending Love, Eades and Rendle-Short will tear out and send (by post) a page of Boat to each writer. Writers work with this page in any way they choose over the course of two weeks, then send it them back to return to the book, to be stitched and glued together, to make a love object, a vessel, a boat. The pages will be placed into a shared document, and each writer writes from/with/against these pages. No single voice is identified. Instead 'making a boat, love' offers a rhizome, we-world (Jean Luc-Nancy), a communitas (Rendle-Short), a many voiced and irreverent conflagration.